Navratri :
Durga puja –
During the month of October/November.
The name itself means worshiping Goddess Durga. According to Hindu Religion Goddess Durga was requested to appear to kill demon Mahishasur, who otherwise had become the most powerful being on the planet, since he was blessed that no male can destroy his powers, so mother Durga had to appear on earth to kill him.
This also known as Sharad utsav, marks of the arrival of autumn, when is sky is in a brilliant shade of blue speckled with fluffy clouds. This nine days celebration involves puja rituals, scripture recitation, cultural performances of all nine forms of Goddess Durga and lots of food.
In the North part of India, these nine days are celebrated as Navratris (nine nights) and people observe vegetarianism. Food is made without onion and garlic. People wear colorful clothes and perform Dadiya & Garba (dance form).
PC: Roovaa Lijuan